Welcome to the e-book version of
"Pots, Punks and Punters"

A History of Hotels in St Kilda And South Melbourne

Written by Becky Aizen

Illustrated and Web Design by John Hulskamp


The author and the St Kilda Historical Society gratefully acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Kay Rowan and the Port Phillip Library Service, and the participation of a variety of managers and patrons of the pubs of St Kilda (see Sources). Publication was assisted by the City of Port Phillip Cultural Advisory Board through its Cultural Development Fund. Chris Stoneman skilfully and voluntarily took on the challenging task of editing. Thanks are also due to the planning committee which over time included Gillian Upton, Peter Johnson, Tom Ingram, Vida Horn, Melanie Eagle, Pearl Donald, Kaye Brett and Meyer Eidelson. In particular the contribution of the late Arthur Rowan, who pioneered research on South Melbourne’s hotels, was invaluable.


This book is dedicated to the memory of Vida Horn, the founding librarian of St Kilda Library and a dedicated member of the St Kilda Historical Society. In 2002 she edited our first book ‘Spirit of St Kilda’. She conceived the idea for this current book on Hotels but passed away before its completion. Vida edited many books with passion, the keenest eye imaginable and great heart. She represented the best virtues of a society member: commitment, a love of knowledge, respect for people from all walks of life and unshakeable integrity.




Publication Data

Copyright St Kilda Historical Society Inc.

ISBN: 0-9751060-5-8
ISBN: 978-0-9804534-2-3 (Online)

Published by the St Kilda Historical Society 2004 © ABN: 25 188 646 275
P.O. Box 177 Balaclava 3183 AUSTRALIA

Email: info@skhs.org.au
Web Site: www.vicnet.net.au/~hsosk


Author: Becky Aizen
Layout, Design, Photographs, Maps and Website: John Hulskamp
Editor: Chris Stoneman
Publishing Coordinator: Meyer Eidelson
Printed by Inklink

Publication of this title has been assisted by the City of Port Phillip Cultural Advisory Board through its Cultural Development Fund